lunes, 6 de mayo de 2019

Alejandra use a free verse poems PART #1

The 17 poems created by Alejandra Castellanos

Alejandra´s Poems
Alejandra use a free verse poems  PART #1

1.) Allan esa afraid because he                          8.) I had a lot of wishes
 thougt that he was going to die.                              I hope one day archive them all
But for his luck he was safe by some mice.             To make my family proud afterall.

2.)He said that the mice were                             9.) Rosses are red
 marvelous because he didn't die                             Violet are blue
 cut by half with the pendulum.                                 There is glue in my shoe if you
                                                                                  Kiss me  i will you it is true.
3.) He was taking care of his uncle.                      
But he don't do it that well.                                   10.) My head hurts
He was felling rare.                                                      I hate it.
                                                                                     Its the worst    
4.) He hear noices at night.                                          Feeling ever.
He ask. what it might be?
He made some plans.                                          11.) My head
There were a b c.                                                         Going to explotr
                                                                                     And hit everyone.
5.) He wait a week.
He went into his uncle room. His souls was rot.    12.)I am cryingof pain 
His uncle was weak.                                                    I think i will faint
He gran a pillow and send him to God.                        Please anyone could make me a paint
                                                                                     While i am feeling crash by a train.
6.) Today is the hotest day ever.
I felt very bad and not clever.                                 13.) I dont know about what to write
I thought that I was going to die.                                   I am just goind to sit and realice
And that's not all I felt that I will going to frie.                That i am sick of this alright.

7.) I woke up late.                                                   14.) I love spend tme with my friends
And that was a mistake.                                                they are not shame 
I almost miss school but fortunately                               they like to make ridicouls thats 
 I ran and arrive very cool.                                              is why i think they are marvelous.

8.) Honduras is a central America country.                 15.) I love my mom 
On the middle of America.                                               because she is the best
Not that rich.                                                                     she like to rest and do her best.
Democracy don't exist.
Usually                                                                       16.) I like teaching because i feel                         
Rights are violented.                                                         great
And                                                                                     I love to make childrens 
Security is on the floor.                                                       dont feel shame.

domingo, 5 de mayo de 2019

The 17 poems created by Juan Valladares

Juan´s Poems

Juan use a free verse poems  PART #1

1. Maybe is just a pit with a pendulum           12. This is not alright
it was Edgar past                                              and dont feel nice
he use a sesamum                                            is already night              
he used fast.                                                     I have look a mice.

2. He use a black cat                                      13. I cut his legs and arms
that sounds like racism                                      i have just look a massage
he was just flat                                                 I put them in diferent farms
but he only look is organism.                           I really need a masage.

3. That man was crazy                                   14. i have just look a massage
his main was destroy                                           Im trying to finish this
he try go inside the army                                     I really need a masage.
but he employs.                                                   My bed is call me a really miss.

4.I already use pendulum                               15. I have not more topics to write 
and i still dont understand                                    I want to sleep
what means vexillum                                            I want to grad my bite
but i still stand.                                                      But im just fall asleep.            

5.Maybe im tired                                            16. Allan is awesome
I want to go sleep                                                Poe his second name
Im in red                                                              But he come
but she is really deep.                                         with really big flame.
                                                                                                                                                     6. You talk about copy                                 17. I love the pit and the pendulum
I yell plagiarism                                                   My favorite Allan story
but they only use the body                                  This is the end of the pendulum
Their life is cataclysm.                                         What makes me cry.

7. I have read poe stories
they are really dark
 for me thet means memories
but still have to work.

8. I just get new remenber the rat
and the cheese on the pedulum
I just imageni rat get eating by a cat
the pendulum cutting his knees.

9. He have a really big eye
his arms doesnt work he yell
this story is about a guy he think is art
it was just the The tell tale heart.

10. He kill his boss
maybe he was lazy
maybe this errors are lots and lots
this homework have me crazy.

11. People write a lot
that dont mean that is no hot
maybe they are cold
but im still have some gold.

The first 17 poems created by Martha Santos

Martha´s Poems

Martha use a free verse poems  PART #2

9. Do i love you                                   14. You can have a shake 
yes i love you                                       getting low with flow
but i love memories                              let your body got and take
that is my choise.                                  and i movement slow.

10. You got mercy                                15. I look a moonlight
get the massage                                    it turns into spotlight
look your raises                                     and the moon was shine
not the faces.                                         with always the stars in mind.

11. Your skin is bright                           16. When a girl wake up 
Im always right                                       you better close your eyes
my eyes were shine                               she is a disaster  with his makeup
you are just mine.                                   the reasonfor the nigt.

12. This is a story                                17. The best dream
when you do a victory                          is to be rish
being legendary                                    the worst thing
until the infinity.                                    is to forget that wish.

13. Doing my homework                     ´´Thanks for reading my poems¨
Is a redsponsability
Is a hard work
Is gotting competitive.

The first 17 poems created by Marta Santos

Martha´s Poems

Martha use a free verse poems  PART #1

1. The fire can make a kissed            5. Havinng a break heart 
 When the heart make a sound          is making a big war
 Specially when you missed             between you and I 
and choose someonewe find.            by not leating me in
                                                          is really hardto get in love.
2. The nigth makes dark 
is a time when you find                    6. You can be my king
stars making a maris                          love you with a kissed 
and show a dream in amirid.             i will be your queen
                                                           forever i be missed.
3. Having a movement slow 
it can do by our own                          7. You can robbed a kissed 
can make a perfect show                     that always remenber
it's a call a dancing flow.                     when we dance a dembow
                                                            keep a love forever.
4. Writing our history                               
is singing our way                               8. I see the sky
dreaming really happily                       turns into all
turns into a color gray.                         I want to fly                                                                                         but i could fall.

sábado, 4 de mayo de 2019

Allan Poe Information

Edgar Allan Poe

Personal information 

Edgar Allan Poe was a writer, poet, critic, and American romantic journalist, generally recognized as one of the universal masters of the short story, which was one of the first practitioners in their country. He was a renovator of the gothic novel, especially remembered for its tales of terror.

 Date of birth: on January 19, 1809, Boston, Massachusetts, United States

 Death: on October 7, 1849, Church Home & Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland, United States stories

Some of his literary works are:
  •  The black cat
  •  The tell-tale heart
  •  The Raven
  •  Annabel Lee
  • A dream a dream
  • The mask of the Red death

jueves, 2 de mayo de 2019

Introduction to the topics of this blog

In a few days...

9 Grade student of Santa Monica Bilingual School are goind to create some poems about the recognized writer Edgar Allan Poe who have wrote many incredible stories. He was an U.S romantic poet, critical, journalist.

This blog will count with 51 poems. Poems that will be create by 3 students:
Alejandra Castellanos
Juan Valladares
Martha Santos
Each of them will write 17 poems about Allan Poe...

Resultado de imagen para edgar allan poe