domingo, 5 de mayo de 2019

The first 17 poems created by Martha Santos

Martha´s Poems

Martha use a free verse poems  PART #2

9. Do i love you                                   14. You can have a shake 
yes i love you                                       getting low with flow
but i love memories                              let your body got and take
that is my choise.                                  and i movement slow.

10. You got mercy                                15. I look a moonlight
get the massage                                    it turns into spotlight
look your raises                                     and the moon was shine
not the faces.                                         with always the stars in mind.

11. Your skin is bright                           16. When a girl wake up 
Im always right                                       you better close your eyes
my eyes were shine                               she is a disaster  with his makeup
you are just mine.                                   the reasonfor the nigt.

12. This is a story                                17. The best dream
when you do a victory                          is to be rish
being legendary                                    the worst thing
until the infinity.                                    is to forget that wish.

13. Doing my homework                     ´´Thanks for reading my poems¨
Is a redsponsability
Is a hard work
Is gotting competitive.

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