domingo, 5 de mayo de 2019

The first 17 poems created by Marta Santos

Martha´s Poems

Martha use a free verse poems  PART #1

1. The fire can make a kissed            5. Havinng a break heart 
 When the heart make a sound          is making a big war
 Specially when you missed             between you and I 
and choose someonewe find.            by not leating me in
                                                          is really hardto get in love.
2. The nigth makes dark 
is a time when you find                    6. You can be my king
stars making a maris                          love you with a kissed 
and show a dream in amirid.             i will be your queen
                                                           forever i be missed.
3. Having a movement slow 
it can do by our own                          7. You can robbed a kissed 
can make a perfect show                     that always remenber
it's a call a dancing flow.                     when we dance a dembow
                                                            keep a love forever.
4. Writing our history                               
is singing our way                               8. I see the sky
dreaming really happily                       turns into all
turns into a color gray.                         I want to fly                                                                                         but i could fall.

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