domingo, 5 de mayo de 2019

The 17 poems created by Juan Valladares

Juan´s Poems

Juan use a free verse poems  PART #1

1. Maybe is just a pit with a pendulum           12. This is not alright
it was Edgar past                                              and dont feel nice
he use a sesamum                                            is already night              
he used fast.                                                     I have look a mice.

2. He use a black cat                                      13. I cut his legs and arms
that sounds like racism                                      i have just look a massage
he was just flat                                                 I put them in diferent farms
but he only look is organism.                           I really need a masage.

3. That man was crazy                                   14. i have just look a massage
his main was destroy                                           Im trying to finish this
he try go inside the army                                     I really need a masage.
but he employs.                                                   My bed is call me a really miss.

4.I already use pendulum                               15. I have not more topics to write 
and i still dont understand                                    I want to sleep
what means vexillum                                            I want to grad my bite
but i still stand.                                                      But im just fall asleep.            

5.Maybe im tired                                            16. Allan is awesome
I want to go sleep                                                Poe his second name
Im in red                                                              But he come
but she is really deep.                                         with really big flame.
                                                                                                                                                     6. You talk about copy                                 17. I love the pit and the pendulum
I yell plagiarism                                                   My favorite Allan story
but they only use the body                                  This is the end of the pendulum
Their life is cataclysm.                                         What makes me cry.

7. I have read poe stories
they are really dark
 for me thet means memories
but still have to work.

8. I just get new remenber the rat
and the cheese on the pedulum
I just imageni rat get eating by a cat
the pendulum cutting his knees.

9. He have a really big eye
his arms doesnt work he yell
this story is about a guy he think is art
it was just the The tell tale heart.

10. He kill his boss
maybe he was lazy
maybe this errors are lots and lots
this homework have me crazy.

11. People write a lot
that dont mean that is no hot
maybe they are cold
but im still have some gold.

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