lunes, 6 de mayo de 2019

Alejandra use a free verse poems PART #1

The 17 poems created by Alejandra Castellanos

Alejandra´s Poems
Alejandra use a free verse poems  PART #1

1.) Allan esa afraid because he                          8.) I had a lot of wishes
 thougt that he was going to die.                              I hope one day archive them all
But for his luck he was safe by some mice.             To make my family proud afterall.

2.)He said that the mice were                             9.) Rosses are red
 marvelous because he didn't die                             Violet are blue
 cut by half with the pendulum.                                 There is glue in my shoe if you
                                                                                  Kiss me  i will you it is true.
3.) He was taking care of his uncle.                      
But he don't do it that well.                                   10.) My head hurts
He was felling rare.                                                      I hate it.
                                                                                     Its the worst    
4.) He hear noices at night.                                          Feeling ever.
He ask. what it might be?
He made some plans.                                          11.) My head
There were a b c.                                                         Going to explotr
                                                                                     And hit everyone.
5.) He wait a week.
He went into his uncle room. His souls was rot.    12.)I am cryingof pain 
His uncle was weak.                                                    I think i will faint
He gran a pillow and send him to God.                        Please anyone could make me a paint
                                                                                     While i am feeling crash by a train.
6.) Today is the hotest day ever.
I felt very bad and not clever.                                 13.) I dont know about what to write
I thought that I was going to die.                                   I am just goind to sit and realice
And that's not all I felt that I will going to frie.                That i am sick of this alright.

7.) I woke up late.                                                   14.) I love spend tme with my friends
And that was a mistake.                                                they are not shame 
I almost miss school but fortunately                               they like to make ridicouls thats 
 I ran and arrive very cool.                                              is why i think they are marvelous.

8.) Honduras is a central America country.                 15.) I love my mom 
On the middle of America.                                               because she is the best
Not that rich.                                                                     she like to rest and do her best.
Democracy don't exist.
Usually                                                                       16.) I like teaching because i feel                         
Rights are violented.                                                         great
And                                                                                     I love to make childrens 
Security is on the floor.                                                       dont feel shame.

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